student feedback

As a new school year gets underway, it’s been interesting to assess how education at The Forktree Project grew last year.

2022 saw our sustainability education and service learning program for schools go from strength to strength, with a growing number of primary and high school groups visiting to The Forktree Project.

It goes without saying that we are excited by this - not just because of the contribution the students make to the project, but also because of how their experience at Forktree helps them understand more fully the issues of climate change and biodiversity loss and to feel empowered to take further action themselves.

It’s perhaps best summed up by the students themselves. Thank you to the Year 5 and 6 students who gave the following feedback:

  • “I found all of it really fun and interesting. I love plants but this gave me a bigger idea of how much we need them.”

  • I enjoyed planting in the nursery becase it was an awesome experience! I rate it 10/10.”

  • “I feel great having contributed to combatting climate change and help rewild and recycle! It feels like I have done a great thing and I had a great time while doing it.”

  • “The Forktree Project is amazing. I had so much fun. The weeding and planting was my favourite. You’re doing such an important job. Helping the environment is really rewarding and helping save Australia. Coming down was an unforgettable experience.”

  • “It makes me feel super good about what I did to make change to the environment.”

  • “I feel really proud of what I have done for the planet.”

  • “It made me feel proud that I had done something to help the environment, and know that I can go even further and keep doing good work to create and convince lots more people to do it and solve these problems, since you can’t solve problems if you don’t help and contribute.”

  • “It felt good to be able to contribute and give back to nature. I felt happy.”

  • “I loved doing all the activities. I also learned amazing new facts. This made me feel good since now I know how to help the environment even more, I can apply these skills everywhere.”

Thank you to ALL the students who have been part of the Forktree journey to date. If you are interested in bringing your student group to The Forktree Project, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.

Elizabeth Jarvis