Like a phoenix from the ashes

Just over 12 months ago the Great Yacca Rescue Mission took place, whereby fourteen 200-year-old yaccas (Xanthorrhea semiplana) which had been dug up as part of a local road-widening project were saved from the scrap heap and transplanted to The Forktree Project.

We knew that yaccas are notoriously difficult to transplant and that the chances of success were slim, but we just couldn’t stand by and see these magnificent specimens cast aside without trying to rehome them.

Initially things looked bleak, as leaves browned and withered on most of the yaccas. Then, a few months later, glimmers of hope as signs of new life were spotted (see blog post of 28th June 2022).

Fast forward to last week, when we tackled the overwhelming proliferation of weeds in that particular area of the property as a result of recent heavy rains. As we cleared thickets of thistle, we were amazed to find signs of triumphant, defiant life sprouting from the yaccas in the form of tall, resplendent flower spikes.

Like a phoenix from the ashes, each one seems to symbolise the spirit of our rewilding efforts as we work to bring back biodiversity to this property. Of course, after flowers come seeds, so with luck in time we will see the next generation coming through.

Elizabeth Jarvis