Every cloud...

If there is one certainty in today’s uncertain world, it’s that climate change throws up unexpected situations and new patterns.

Thus we found ourselves last weekend taking advantage of the unseasonal and unprecedented amount of spring rain by planting a few hundred extra native grasses (rytidosperma or wallaby grass) to add density to an area of wallaby grasses planted last year.

A gamble at this time of year without a doubt, but ultimately a win-win. With luck these grasses, propagated last spring and now desperate to be released from their forestry tubes, will set down roots and thrive, given the unusually wet conditions. But even if they don’t, their seed, already ripe and ready to fall, will drop on fertile ground (fastidiously cleared of weeds - thank you, volunteers) and wait to be awakened for germination by the next rains, just as nature intended.

We could say we have been trying to make hay while the sun doesn’t shine… Certainly in this case, every cloud does seem to have a silver lining… Fingers crossed.

Many thanks to Katrina Webb and volunteers from the Newday Summit for their warmth, enthusiasm and good cheer on a blustery but beautiful day.

Elizabeth Jarvis