Laying the foundations

The preparation is always the hardest part. That is certainly the case when it comes to getting our seed nursery up and running.

Bit by bit the retaining walls needed to create a level surface are being constructed using gabion baskets and building waste from the gradually shrinking onsite rubble pile. Many thanks to Tatachilla Lutheran College whose generous contribution enabled the preparation of the seed nursery pad and wall.

As with all the recycled infrastructure at Forktree, there’s something doubly satisfying about constructing this wall: not only will it increase the usable surface area of the seed nursery, it is helping clean up the Forktree site.

A huge thanks to the Tatachilla Year 9s for their help getting the wall started and to volunteer extraordinaire Jake Heske whose efforts have been second to none. First level of gabions complete; now on to level two.

Elizabeth Jarvis