Stake out

Work is under way to prepare for The Big Plant planned for this coming weekend (26th and 27th June), when we will be getting sheoaks and a range of complementary understorey and midstorey plants into the ground to create a habitat for glossy black cockatoos.

2,000 stakes were delivered to site today, and all 2,000 were positioned next to holes pre-dug with an auger.

Many thanks to Conservation Volunteers Australia for providing the stakes and arranging the augering - and for providing the plants and corflutes.

Many thanks to Adam, Roy, Ralph and Tim for positioning the stakes.

Now we need a small army of planters to get the plants in the ground this weekend. Please use the following links to sign up if you would like to be part of this great effort:

Saturday 26th:

Sunday 27th:

Getting ready: setting out 2,000 stakes…

Getting ready: setting out 2,000 stakes…

Elizabeth Jarvis