Tatachilla Outdoor Ed on the case

This month has seen the second phase of Tatachilla Lutheran College’s involvement in The Forktree Project, with an in-school workshop with Yr 10 Outdoor Education students followed by an afternoon of service learning at The Forktree Project itself.

As part of their workshop, students brainstormed how they could contribute to the project. Ideas included: “effort, dedication, good attitude, group contribution, team work, hard work, passion, encouragement and positivity”. Thoughts on what the students themselves would achieve included: “learning new skills, educating ourselves, educating others and inspiring others”. And “whistling” - a perfect blend of positivity and inspiration!

It was great to to see all of this put into practice on site a few weeks later as the students helped prepare for the rare seed orchard by sorting rubble to be crushed for track aggregate and by planting the first row of a windbreak.

Fantastic to have young people involved in the project and to see them thinking about protecting our planet. Many hands make light work - thank you, Tatachilla Yr 10s!

Elizabeth Jarvis