Thin Crust
Of all the uses we have found for bricks salvaged from the on-site rubble pile, this is arguably one of the most exciting: building a pizza oven.
Broken bricks and rubble to create a secure foundation pad; base walls built from whole red bricks salvaged and cleaned; the base then filled with rubble and broken bricks; and a fine dome built on top. Once the dome is complete it will be rendered… and then we will crank it up and get cooking!
We are already dreaming of enjoying pizzas cooked in this oven at the end of a big planting day, as we watch the sun set over the gulf. The circular economy doesn’t get much more rewarding (and delicious) than that!
Thank you to Paul Bowden for his guidance with the design process and to Paul, Tim and Ralph and everyone else involved in the build. Can’t wait to whip up a thin-crust Margherita for you all.