For the second year running Year 9 students from Tatachilla Lutheran College have come to The Forktree Project as part of their Year 9 camp week, and what a contribution they made!

Over the course of two days the students worked in a number of different areas of the project: filling raised beds in the rare seed orchard in preparation for the planting of endangered species; weatherproofing potting tables for the nursery; weeding around recently planted saplings to give them the best chance of flourishing; and salvaging, cleaning and sorting reusable bricks from the rubble pile so that they can be repurposed as part of the Forktree circular economy challenge.

Helping with a wide range of tasks reinforces the learning that there are many steps to realising a goal, and that if we all work together, breaking the task down into manageable but inter-related chunks, and always keeping the ultimate vision in mind, we can achieve great things. Systems thinking at its best.

Thank you again to Chris McElligot and the Tatachilla team for their wholehearted support of The Forktree Project and its vision.

Elizabeth Jarvis