school planting season round up

Another great planting season has come to a close, with some fantastic input from students from Year 5 to Year 9 from a range of schools.

In total, 797 students from 9 different schools visited over 16 excursion days, engaging in a range of activities all vital to the rewilding work of Forktree.

Between them they planted hundreds of native trees, shrubs and grasses, tended to saplings in the nursery, and engaged in various circular economy activities such as wall-building, corflute and stake recycling, and preparation of raised beds in the Rare Seed Orchard. Not to mention, of course, getting stuck into a healthy dose of weeding.

An amazing achievement by all these young people! A big thank you to the students and their teachers from the Forktree team - and the planet!

Elizabeth Jarvis