Teamwork with Tatachilla Lutheran College


A huge thank you to Tatachilla Lutheran College in McLaren Vale for their enthusiastic support of The Forktree Project.

Yesterday this relationship got off to a great start with a talk to Year 9 students at Tatachilla about the what, why and how of The Forktree Project (what it is, why it has been set up, and how we are working towards achieving its goals) and how the students will contribute to these goals when they visit Forktree next month.


The vision of The Forktree Project is long term - the horizon we have set our sights on stretches far into the future. That’s why we are so enthused about involving younger generations in the project, as they will be the environmental stewards of the future.

Thank you to Tatachilla Lutheran College for their warm welcome yesterday. We greatly look forward to welcoming Tatachilla students and their teachers to Forktree next month. Watch this space to read about the fruits of their labour…

Environmental stewards of the future: Tatachilla Year 9s hearing about The Forktree Project.

Environmental stewards of the future: Tatachilla Year 9s hearing about The Forktree Project.

Elizabeth Jarvis