maths for real life

Next challenge on our water management journey: find a way to check that the seedlings in the nursery are receiving the right amount of water.

Best equipment for the job: soil moisture probes.

Problem: standard soil moisture probes are too big to fit into the seedling tubes.

Solution: put a soil moisture probe in a bucket of potting mix in the nursery with approximately the same surface-area-to-volume ratio as the much smaller forestry tubes that our saplings grow in. This means soil moisture readings will give a reasonable indication of whether our saplings are getting enough water (until we get our small moisture probes that fit in the tubes).

We like a challenge at Forktree. We also know that solutions are needed when they are needed, not weeks or months later. And how gratifying to dust off our maths skills and put them to real-life use to find real-life solutions to real-life challenges.

Elizabeth Jarvis