Sunday 7th March - CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAY - resonated with us at The Forktree Project.

Anyone who visited when the project began two years ago will know who much cleaning up there was to do; anyone who has visited since will know how much cleaning up has happened.

And anyone visiting now will also know that there is still a lot of cleaning up to be done!

To date, the following has been achieved:

  • 7,500 whole bricks salvaged, cleaned and stacked for reuse (we estimate there’s about another 8-10,000 to go)

  • 850 tonnes of rubble crushed and used as aggregate on tracks and as fill material under the shed floor and the water tank pads

  • 70 tonnes of half bricks and rubble used to fill gabion baskets to create retaining walls

  • 280 perma-pine posts reused for animal exclusion fencing

But perhaps the greatest achievement of all is that none of it has gone to landfill! What a great circular economy story.

If we can recycle and reuse as much as possible, that’s the best kind of Clean Up for Australia and beyond.

One end of the rubble pile one year ago.

One end of the rubble pile one year ago.

Looking a lot better one year on! But there is still more to do…

Looking a lot better one year on! But there is still more to do…

Elizabeth Jarvis