And then there was none...

30 months, 3,000 tonnes of sorted rubble and 30,000 bricks later, we’ve reached the end of the road.

The challenge we set ourselves was to make sure none of the building waste inherited when The Forktree Project was established found its way to landfill. We are hugely proud to have risen to that challenge. Everything that has been salvaged will be put to good use serving a new purpose. A great story to post on the first day of National Recycling Week (8-14 November 2021)!

So goodbye, red rubble road. It’ll be a green road from here on.

Above: Goodbye, red rubble road - the end of the rubble pile finally cleared and scraped clean.

Below: the view in the same direction two and a half years ago. The rubble pile stretched into the distance towards the far gate.

Elizabeth Jarvis