A Second Generation

Another update from Malcolm Worthing’s Bird and Lepidoptera survey of The Forktree Project:

“The second recorded generation of Hakea moth (Oenochroma vinaria) caterpillars have begun to emerge at Forktree this season. From a mere 13 individuals recorded for the first generation in autumn, the population has since nearly tripled, reaching 38 individuals in this second generation with more plots still to be surveyed.

“The presence of this species at Forktree is almost certainly linked to the planting of Hakea seedlings and should serve as an encouragement to many who have dedicated their time to help transform Forktree from a bare patch of farmland to a future haven for wildlife. It is likely that many more species will form permanent populations on the property like the Hakea moth in the future and may also include those species which may be threatened within our state."

Thank you, Malcolm - more encouraging news to spur us on!

Elizabeth Jarvis