There was a great sense of shared purpose today as a group of volunteers and friends gathered to prepare the tube stock for the 2020 Forktree planting season. Under the guidance of seasoned Trees for Life growers Anna and Paul, we filled the tubes with soil, ready for Anna to plant the seeds.

Anna is growing Acacia paradoxa (kangaroo thorn), Acacia verticillata (prickly moses), Leptospermum continentale (prickly tea tree) and Melaleuca decussata (totem poles) for the Forktree Project. She will spend the next few months tending to them day by day, with a view to handing them over to us for planting at Forktree in April or May.

It feels great to be helping prepare the tube stock - it is as if we standing at the starting blocks, cheering the saplings on their way. Many thanks to Anna and Paul and the other Trees for Life growers who are nurturing plants for the project.

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Elizabeth Jarvis