Six species planted in the new planting area beyond the existing roo fence: melaleucas, golden wattles, prickly moses and kangaroo thorns all established successfully; blue gums and pink gums a bit of a controlled experiment to test the theory that kangaroos don’t care for eucalyptus leaves. Lesson learned: tasty and tender new shoots clearly are a different matter.
The good news is that only a few dozen saplings were lost. However, while the fencing extension around the new planting area is being completed, the rest of the eucalypt saplings need protecting. Sometimes simple is best: a cross of duct tape across the top of the corflute seems to have done the trick.
In the words of Sir Ernest Shackleton, “Difficulties are just things to be overcome, after all.”
Simple solutions: a sticky cross of duct tape will hopefully deter kangaroos looking for a snack…