Lesser Wanderer

Another fabulous update from Malcolm on biodiversity at Forktree:

“Last week during the Forktree Remnant Vegetation Survey the surveyor was able to get this photograph showing the familiar Wanderer (Danaus plexippus) alongside its native relative the Lesser Wanderer (Danaus petilia). As its name suggests, the Lesser Wanderer is smaller than the Wanderer reaching a wingspan of approximately 60mm.

“It was originally only a vagrant to the Fleurieu peninsula travelling south in the summer from its Native Pear (Marsdenia australis) food plants in northern South Australia. However, like its relative, it has been able to become established within the Fleurieu peninsula due to the spread of introduced Broad-leaf Cotton Bush (Gomphocarpus cancellatus).

“Since, this introduced plant is present at Forktree and there have been sightings of the Lesser Wanderer both this year and last year during the Forktree Bird and Lepidoptera 2021 Survey, this locally common butterfly species may very well be breeding within the area.”

Elizabeth Jarvis