It's got to go...

A theme is emerging - grasses.

We have been busy propagating a range of native grasses in preparation for this year’s planting season, but there is another job to be done - elimination of the competition.

Phalaris is an introduced pasture grass, brought to South Australia in the 1890s. While it may provide fodder for livestock, it tends to outcompete native grasses.

Sadly there’s plenty of it at Forktree, and it has to go! Let battle commence…

Many thanks to stalwart volunteers Jake, Ralph and Adam, along with representatives of the University of Adelaide’s Ecoversity team, for their sterling efforts in the latest phase of the phalaris wars.

That’s one section cleared. Now onto the next. And the next.

BEFORE: Jake, Adam and Ralph get stuck in to the phalaris. No mean feat.

BEFORE: Jake, Adam and Ralph get stuck in to the phalaris. No mean feat.

AFTER: job done - a phalaris-free zone. Now on to the next…..

AFTER: job done - a phalaris-free zone. Now on to the next…..

Elizabeth Jarvis